Yoga and the Flu
If you want to avoid the flu, the following advice, provided by Dr. Oz, makes a lot of sense…
Read more...Breaking Blog Silence
Just because I haven’t posted a new blog entry since April, that doesn’t mean nothing has been happening at…
Read more...What goes up…
Goa was the last stop on my trip. A ten days yoga retreat on a beautiful beach seemed like a great way to culminate the adventure…I wasn’t there for validation. So how come I got so bothered when it didn’t come?
Read more...Alone, Not Lonely
Many people thought it was odd that I was traveling alone. For me, the more interesting aspect of this trip to India was that I was taking it on an “upswing”.
Read more...A Loftier Perspective
With “Slumdog Millionaire” dominating the Oscars and “The White Tiger” (last year’s Booker prize winner) being this year’s hot book (at least among Indian travelers), the world is being exposed to the extreme disparities that exist in India. After visiting Behar (India’s poorest state) and having lived only in monasteries and backpacker ghettos, I decided to see what it looked like further north up the socio-economic ladder by venturing further south to Chennai. I knew things were going to be different when my friend/host wrote, “I will have my driver pick you up from the airport.” This was not “our” driver or “the” driver, but her driver (they have two)…
Read more...Pants and a Sandwich
The Buddha suggested that all events occur simply because circumstances allow them to occur. It’s OK if that doesn’t make sense, it was just a rambling way of introducing two examples of random occurences, one favorable, the other a pain in the ass. Neither example is particularly deep or meaningful, so if you are looking for insights and wisdom, feel free to look elsewhere (inward is always a good choice).
Read more...Opening
I was in a nice peaceful meditative state when the top of my head blew off. An endless funnel of light ejected all the crap from my head. It looked much more beautiful on the way out than it had when it was cramped inside. In some bizare moment of awareness, this reminded me of the scene at the end of the first Indiana Jones movie when they opened the Ark of the Covenant. Cool, Steven Spielberg was producing my epiphany!
Read more...Standing Out
When the retreat started and I was asked to lead the yoga…It was a great opportunity to help out, to contribute, and to give something back – all good intentions. However, it was also my chance to shine, to stand out, to show off, to impress, to feed an ever-hungry ego and to observe how good intentions are easily corrupted.
Read more...The Buzz
I didn’t know it was a Monday. For me it was day 16, a lot like the 15 preceding it, but up to this point a relatively disheartening one…
Read more...Living not writing
As I optimistically promised more words after the silent retreats, I am writing to re-adjust that forecast…
Read more...It isn’t hard to be good from time to time. What’s tough is being good every day.