Mar 21

9-Months Later…

A YOGI’S JOURNEY WITH PARKINSON’S – Volume 14 In an earlier post (Volume 8), I suggested that telling the world I had Parkinson’s shared similarities with announcing a pregnancy. Now, […]

Apr 07

Alone, Not Lonely

Many people thought it was odd that I was traveling alone. For me, the more interesting aspect of this trip to India was that I was taking it on an “upswing”.

Feb 24


I was in a nice peaceful meditative state when the top of my head blew off. An endless funnel of light ejected all the crap from my head. It looked much more beautiful on the way out than it had when it was cramped inside. In some bizare moment of awareness, this reminded me of the scene at the end of the first Indiana Jones movie when they opened the Ark of the Covenant. Cool, Steven Spielberg was producing my epiphany!

Feb 21

Standing Out

When the retreat started and I was asked to lead the yoga…It was a great opportunity to help out, to contribute, and to give something back – all good intentions. However, it was also my chance to shine, to stand out, to show off, to impress, to feed an ever-hungry ego and to observe how good intentions are easily corrupted.

Feb 15

The Buzz

I didn’t know it was a Monday. For me it was day 16, a lot like the 15 preceding it, but up to this point a relatively disheartening one…

Feb 10

Living not writing

As I optimistically promised more words after the silent retreats, I am writing to re-adjust that forecast…

Jan 27

Half-Time at the Silent Bowl

Perhaps meditation just isn’t something easily describable or equually as likely, I am still too close to it to give it proper perspective…

Jan 16

Doing to Be

One quote I have used frequently in class is, “We are not human doings, we are human beings.” Unfortunately, I have ignored these words more often than I have said them, especially of late.


Use the strength of your own arm. Stop putting hope in others. When the river flows through your own yard, how can you die of thirst?

~ Kabir