Dec 03

December’s Moon Energy

Let me start by clearly stating  that I am not an astrologist or an astronomer. I was never very good at science and have no known psychic powers. I am however, able to follow the moon’s simple cycles and believe in their effects on humans. If the moon cycles change the earth’s tides and waves, how can they not effect our bodies which are mainly water?

Every full moon brings extra energy (making it even harder to balance in yoga). Today’s full moon is no exception. What I want to discuss are my predictions about what will likely happen as the moon “wanes” over the next two weeks and that extra energy diminishes. Because this happens every moon cycle, it might easily be dismissed as no big deal. However, combining that lunar downer with the fact that the days are shorter (approaching the winter solstice on December 21st) and colder; People are likely to feel more tired, run down, even depressed. Throw in the stresses of the holidays (families, parties, money…) and it is easy to see where the Bah Humbugs comes from.

There are likely scientific studies to support this, but I am sticking with direct experience and simple observation. Equally as simple are my suggested remedies:

  • Understand why you (or others) might be struggling.
  • Be gentle and nice to yourself.
  • Stick with your healthy habits (i.e., Yoga)
  • Try to be more patient and understanding of others.
  • Remember that the lunar energy starts to get better in two weeks and the days start to get longer in 3 weeks. Everything changes.

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Furious activity is no substitute for understanding.

~ H. H. Williams