Jan 13

Landed Safely in New Delhi

I am safe and sound in New Delhi. As expected everything went smoothly until I actually got to India. The layover in Mumbai was long and ugly (as expected when you land at 1:00 in the morning). The flight to Delhi couldn’t land in Delhi because of “weather” (haze/smog/smoke/fog) all very usual for this time of year. After re-directing to Alamenhabad??? We finally flew back to Delhi (only 5 hours late). Though it is hard to say 38 hours to Delhi is even close to “direct” it feels that way because all my other visits here have started with a gentle travel warm-up (i.e., Thailand). It feels strange being back in India. I can’t say I “like it” with the noise (everyone honks), the pollution and the general squallor, but I am still somehow happy to be back.

I just splurged and spent $5 on a “really good room” (still a dump). Now I am looking forward to a shower, a meal and a long night’s sleep (thankfully it is already almost 5PM, so I don’t have to “prolong” sleeping much longer). Tomorrow’s adventure involves getting some supplies (i.e., like a phone number) and then a 16 hour overnight train.

Be well


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The greatest carver does the least cutting.

~ Tao te Ching