Oct 23

New Classes, New Studio

It is with mixed emotions that I inform you that my class schedule will be changing November 1st. I am super excited to be launching new classes at the new BE YOGA in downtown Palo Alto (on Kipling behind the Apple Store, next to Zibibbo).

At the same time I am sad to be giving up classes that have inspired and supported me for many years. These changes are part of a geographic re-alignment of my teaching schedule. Having spent the last 8 years driving up and down Highway 101 (at least once a day) six days a week, I am looking forward to focusing my Monday, Wednesday and Fridays in or near Palo Alto (i.e., bike to class).

My schedule has been very stable and satisfying for years. I was not actively looking for change. But, when the universe opens a door this widely and the light from within is shining this brightly. The decision is obvious.

Many of you have been asking for drop-in/studio classes that do not require a membership. Your wishes have been answered.

Your continued support is greatly appreciated. Please come visit me and the other excellent teachers at BE YOGA. We gotcha vinyasa! GRAND OPENING THIS FRIDAY 5:30-8:30!

Most important, keep practicing!

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Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don’t claim them. Feel the artistry moving through and be silent.

~ Rumi