Jun 08



I used to be the guy who would condescendingly say, “You know what they say about people on vitamins/supplements? Expensive urine.”

Now I am the guy who turned a once proud wine fridge into this:

Fridge of Supplements

Please note, this is not “our” supplement fridge. THESE ARE ALL MINE.

How did I get here?

In my previous blog about the medication part of my Treatment Plan, the protocol was a fairly straight forward “handful” (5) of natural supplements: Mucuna (in modest doses), L-tyrosine, L-Cysteine (with Selenium), B6 and 5-HTP. It still is (with mildly higher doses of Mucuna).

However, my Functional Medical Practitioner is taking a holistic approach to my health (not just addressing the symptoms). With the use of a Organic Acids (urine) Test we were able to gain a glimpse of my body’s cellular metabolic processes and identify metabolic inhibitions or blocks that can be treated nutritionally and with supplements.

In summary, my doctor commented that my body was very toxic “as though I had grown up above a dry-cleaner”. This was news to me (news I would never have received from the traditional medical doctor).

That led to daily doses of Omega 3 (fish oil), Co Q 10 (Ubiquinol), “Detox Amino Acids”, multi-vitamins (the really good ones), “Gluco Repair”, Activated B Complex, Kelp and the re-assignment of a former wine fridge. Don’t worry, the wine is still safe. We just have to figure out what to do with it (since neither of us are drinking at present). Thank you in advance for the kind offers, but NO, we are NOT looking for designated drinkers. If that changes, we will let you know.

Please Note: I am purposefully NOT including dosages in these Posts. While I confess to some occurrences of self-medicating in my illustrious past. When undertaking a “chemistry experiment in the brain” it seems prudent to have an experienced and qualified guide.

In addition to the now “more-than-a-handful” of supplements, my Functional Medical Practitioner also recommended Muscle Synthesis and Muscle Recovery Powder (given my stubborn insistence that I keep teaching an excessive number of yoga classes each week). Now I better fit in with the body builders in the gyms (not so prevalent in yoga studios) mixing my mysterious powders with water and making everyone else wonder, “What is he on?” “Is it legal?” and “Should I be using it too?”

Still to be implemented is a regimen of Diatomaceous Earth.

If it all sounds like a combination of hocus pocus witchcraft and/or a snake oil scam. How come I feel so good? Sure my hand still shakes, but people are commenting that I look healthier than I have in a long while. The dark circles under my eyes have faded (but still hint at my age). My energy is up and getting out of bed is easier than it used to be.

I attribute these positive signs to my cumulative treatment plan which includes diet, breathing exercises, meditation, ample sleep and yoga (each of which are future blog subjects). I also must admit that not drinking alcohol (alluded to earlier) also deserves some of the credit.

So, YES! I probably do have expensive urine but the investment seems worthwhile. The only thing I feel scammed about was paying a traditional MD $215 to refer me to a neurologist (after emailing her my symptoms and inquiring if I should see a neurologist).

“It’s the most unhappy people who most fear change”

…Mignon McLaughlin 

Be Well!

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DISCLAIMER: The views expressed on this site are my opinions. My words should not be taken as a substitute for qualified medical expertise. This blog is designed to chronicle my journey, share what I learn in the process, and connect with others on a similar path.


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Sayings remain meaningless until they are embodied in habits.

~ Kahlil Gibran