Nov 19

Watch Your Stereotypes

I was walking in downtown San Mateo yesterday when I heard “hey Keith”. It was one of my yoga students (who shall remain nameless partly out of respect for his privacy, mostly because I am not sure I remember his name correctly). This is one of those young men you can’t help but like. Bright, engaging, oozing positive energy. Then he started telling me about his travels to Asia: surfing, meditating and living an inspired life. A kindred soul! I appreciated him even more!

The disconnect was that he was standing there in full uniform next to his DPT scooter printing out a parking ticket to some poor unsuspecting soul. He was the enemy! A parking Nazi!

It is so easy to put a label on someone or something. I am sure many people have categorized me based on my chosen profession. I only hope I help them see things differently (as I did yesterday).

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Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions.

~ Hafiz